The SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic - A Utah Perspective
Report for November 2021
See the index to all available reports.
Publication Note:
This is the sixth report using a new monthly report on the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic. Johns Hopkins University started to provide a new data elements which represent data for the most recent twenty-eight days. This data is ncluded in the data table. This time we compute the difference between the prior 28-day period [ November 7 - December 5 ] and the current 28-day period [ November 7 - December 5] to see how things are changing.

Also see Weekly data for Utah.

The weekly seven day average of new cases of Covid-19 in Utah.
The weekly seven day average of Covid-19 deaths in Utah.
Most Recent Month
***SARS-Cov-2 - Pandemic or Endemic***

The answer now seems to be both. It is a pandemic because it covers the whole earth. It is endemic becasue we can't seem to be able to get rid of it. As we have learned mutations of this virus continue to occur because the number of available people to infect is large.

*** Focus on Utah ***
The numbers for the latest week in Utah do indicate that there were missing cases for the week that ended the day after Thanksgiving. Yet the added numbers were not as big as expected. That indicates that the spread of the virus in Utah has gone down for the last couple of weeks, but not by a significant amount.

During the last 28-day period new infections in Utah decreased by 2% and the number of deaths decreased 4%. That ranked Utah 23rd among all states based on the spread of the virus. Utah's death rate remains 0.59%, still second best in the U.S. behind Alaska at 0.58%. The only other state with a death rate below 1% is Vermont (0.79%). Utah's health care system while over oaded is performing very well. That said, the death rate in Utah over the past 28 days have was 0.67% (only 10th best in the U.S.)

Because of a low vaccination rate (56%), the virus continues its spread with little resistance. At this point 18.7% of Utahns have contacted the virus, just 5 states have a higher infection rate. This indicates just how miserable Utah has been at limiting the spread of the virus. The state with the highest infection rate in North Dakota at 21.6%.

Assuming that vaccinations are durable forever and that having been infected offers lifetime immunity (neither of which I believe) Utah will reach 85% (herd immunity) infected or vaccinated by September 2023 (at the current rate of infection).  This also assumes that Utah's vaccination rate does not improve significantly.

*** Focus on the United States ****

The United States has done an exceptionally poor job at defeating this virus. The country has logged 49,052,458 cases amounting to 14.9% of the population. The U.K. is a bit worse at 15.5%, Germany is at 7.4%.

Using a broad brush, southern states where the speed was bad during the summer are now showing the least speed , while New England states and Great Lakes states are showing rather dramatic rises in the spread of the virus.

The states with the biggest increase in cases over the past 28-days include :

  1. Rhode Island up 128%
  2. Missouri up 102%
  3. Massachusetts up 96%
  4. Illinois up 94%
  5. Connecticut up 85%
The states with the biggest decrease:
  1. Hawaii down 75%
  2. Arizona down 68%
  3. Alabama down 56%
  4. Idaho down 55%
  5. Alaska down 52%

Utah was 27th best with a 2% decrease. Last month Michigan and Minnesota were notably getting worse. The rate of increase slowed this past month but the number of new infections was high. Michigan had the highest new case count at 207,670 cases while Minnesota had 111,923 new cases.

*** Focus on the rest of the World ***

Things are bad in Europe, particularly the United Kingdom and Germany. Their neighbors were also not doing well. France, Spain, and Italy also had elevated infection counts. Until recently Germany had done very well controlling the spread. Both countries had over 1 million new infections in the past 28 days. Canada has also shown a significant rise in cases. 

Japan is in a good spot right now with only 9,523 new cases in the past 28 days. India and Thailand showed significant drops, while Vietnam and Taiwan showed a huge increase. Taiwan has had minimal cases, so it was easy for it to show a large percentage jump. Their infection count is 0.07%, which is totally remarkable. Australia is enjoying the summer weather down under.

The Data for the week ending November 7, 2021
Country Population Infected Current Count Overall Infection Rate Infected last 28 days Infection Rate last 28 days Infected Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Deaths Last 28 Days Death Rate Last 28 days Deaths Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods
China 1,433,783,686 110,179 0.01% 1442 0.00% 1,342 100 7.5% 4,849 4.40% 0 0.00% 1 1 100.0%
India 1,366,417,754 34,355,509 2.51% 402034 0.03% 825,230 -423,196 -51.3% 460,791 1.34% 10,202 2.54% 8,284 -1,918 -23.2%
Japan 126,860,301 1,723,924 1.36% 9523 0.01% 142,482 -132,959 -93.3% 18,306 1.06% 379 3.98% 1,391 1,012 72.8%
Philippines 108,116,615 2,803,213 2.59% 146171 0.14% 519,089 -372,918 -71.8% 44,430 1.58% 4,734 3.24% 4,594 -140 -3.0%
Viet Nam 96,462,106 968,684 1.00% 124904 0.13% 292,032 -167,128 -57.2% 22,531 2.33% 2,028 1.62% 6,808 4,780 70.2%
Thailand 69,625,582 1,967,999 2.83% 259972 0.37% 361,522 -101,550 -28.1% 19,664 1.00% 2,004 0.77% 4,306 2,302 53.5%
S. Korea 51,225,308 379,935 0.74% 48416 0.09% 57,701 -9,285 -16.1% 2,967 0.78% 392 0.81% 186 -206 -110.8%
Taiwan 23,773,876 16,442 0.07% 151 0.00% 231 -80 -34.6% 847 5.15% 1 0.66% 6 5 83.3%
Hong Kong NA                            
Country Population Infected Current Count Overall Infection Rate Infected last 28 days Infection Rate last 28 days Infected Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Deaths Last 28 Days Death Rate Last 28 days Deaths Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods
Russia 145,961,031 8,651,561 5.93% 982,499 0.67% 555,576 426,923 76.8% 242,241 2.80% 29,468 3.00% 22,180 -7,288 -32.9%
Germany 83,517,045 4,780,569 5.72% 474,026 0.57% 240,685 233,341 96.9% 96,531 2.02% 2,323 0.49% 1,439 -884 -61.4%
U.K. 67,530,172 9,346,958 13.84% 142,236 0.21% 934,096 -791,860 -84.8% 142,236 1.52% 4,073 2.86% 3,810 -263 -6.9%
France 65,129,728 7,319,526 11.24% 158,958 0.24% 205,550 -46,592 -22.7% 118,866 1.62% 940 0.59% 2,226 1286 57.8%
Italy 60,550,075 4,808,047 7.94% 104,187 0.17% 112,941 -8,754 -7.8% 132,391 2.75% 1,091 1.05% 1,532 441 28.8%
Spain 46,692,858 50,025,639 107.14% 52,020 0.11% 83,373 -31,353 -37.6% 87,504 0.17% 726 1.40% 1,668 942 56.5%
Greece 10,473,455 784,904 7.49% 105,142 1.00% 61,499 43,643 71.0% 16,295 2.08% 1,138 1.08% 1,046 -92 -8.8%
Sweden 10,036,379 1,153,655 11.49% 23,130 0.23% 19,272 3,858 20.0% 15,057 1.31% 152 0.66% 176 24 13.6%
Country Population Infected Current Count Overall Infection Rate Infected last 28 days Infection Rate last 28 days Infected Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Deaths Last 28 Days Death Rate Last 28 days Deaths Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods
U.S.A 329,064,917 46,482,837 14.13% 1,158,137 0.35% 3,658,765 -2,500,628 -68.3% 754,395 1.62% 40,289 3.48% 52,269 11980 22.9%
Canada 37,411,047 1,738,543 4.65% 71,940 0.19% 118,277 -46,337 -39.2% 29,203 1.68% 946 1.31% 927 -19 -2.0%
Brazil 212,559,417 21,874,324 10.29% 307,143 0.14% 581,253 -274,110 -47.2% 609,388 2.79% 8,559 2.79% 14,361 5802 40.4%
Middle East                              
Iran 82,913,906 5,987,814 7.22% 288,626 0.35% 519,089 -230,463 -44.4% 127,299 2.13% 4,803 1.66% 10,816 6013 55.6%
Turkey 83,809,754 8,233,649 9.82% 790,193 0.94% 702,867 87,326 12.4% 72,127 0.88% 5,943 0.75% 6,403 460 7.2%
Australia 25,203,198 180,307 0.72% 52,843 0.21% 49,769 3,074 6.2% 1,334 0.74% 383 0.72% 295 -88 -29.8%
UNITED STATES                              
State Population Infected Current Count Overall Infection Rate Infected last 28 days Infection Rate last 28 days Infected Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods Total Deaths Overall Death Rate Deaths Last 28 Days Death Rate Last 28 days Deaths Prior 28 Days Change 28 day Periods % Change 28 day Periods
Florida 21,477,737 3,701,310 17.23% 56,020 0.26% 267,655 -211,635 -79% 60,334 1.63% 3,667 6.55% 8975 5,308 59.1%
Kentucky 4,467,794 750,985 16.81% 40,621 0.91% 182,985 -142,364 -78% 9,939 1.32% 886 2.18% 959 73 7.6%
Tennessee 6,833,174 1,286,713 18.83% 37,380 0.55% 160,695 -123,315 -77% 16,500 1.28% 951 2.54% 1576 625 39.7%
Georgia 10,617,423 1,641,036 15.46% 38,369 0.36% 148,349 -109,980 -74% 29,483 1.80% 2,341 6.10% 3122 781 25.0%
South Carolina 5,148,714 902,372 17.53% 28,316 0.55% 107,991 -79,675 -74% 13,841 1.53% 912 3.22% 1789 877 49.0%
Mississippi 2,976,149 506,556 17.02% 12,285 0.41% 42,353 -30,068 -71% 10,148 2.00% 337 2.74% 1106 769 69.5%
Louisiana 4,648,794 761,849 16.39% 14,520 0.31% 45,006 -30,486 -68% 14,615 1.92% 442 3.04% 1281 839 65.5%
Texas 28,995,881 4,260,852 14.69% 130,847 0.45% 382,281 -251,434 -66% 71,957 1.69% 4,928 3.77% 7513 2,585 34.4%
Alabama 4,903,185 836,032 17.05% 28,261 0.58% 80,520 -52,259 -65% 15,384 1.84% 977 3.46% 2055 1,078 52.5%
Arkansas 3,017,825 515,979 17.10% 13,547 0.45% 34,853 -21,306 -61% 8,483 1.64% 652 4.81% 686 34 5.0%
North Carolina 10,488,084 1,489,653 14.20% 64,591 0.62% 162,824 -98,233 -60% 18,251 1.23% 1,147 1.78% 1897 750 39.5%
Oklahoma 3,956,971 648,209 16.38% 25,429 0.64% 54,367 -28,938 -53% 10,879 1.68% 1,666 6.55% 948 -718 -75.7%
Virginia 8,535,519 933,542 10.94% 45,363 0.53% 91,161 -45,798 -50% 14,125 1.51% 1,050 2.31% 907 -143 -15.8%
Indiana 6,733,174 1,030,291 15.30% 47,874 0.71% 92,502 -44,628 -48% 16,898 1.64% 916 1.91% 1116 200 17.9%
West Virginia 1,792,147 277,814 15.50% 25,066 1.40% 47,187 -22,121 -47% 4,518 1.63% 583 2.33% 598 15 2.5%
Missouri 6,137,428 867,812 14.14% 28,726 0.47% 53,826 -25,100 -47% 12,704 1.46% 523 1.82% 877 354 40.4%
Ohio 11,689,100 1,572,197 13.45% 105,902 0.91% 178,663 -72,761 -41% 25,067 1.59% 913 0.86% 769 -144 -18.7%
Nevada 3,080,156 443,641 14.40% 17,234 0.56% 27,734 -10,500 -38% 7,712 1.74% 428 2.48% 583 155 26.6%
New Jersey 8,882,190 1,159,632 13.06% 35,896 0.40% 57,404 -21,508 -37% 23,975 2.07% 1,273 3.55% 523 -750 -143.4%
Oregon 4,217,737 372,137 8.82% 31,024 0.74% 47,836 -16,812 -35% 4,652 1.25% 580 1.87% 543 -37 -6.8%
Kansas 2,913,314 441,137 15.14% 22,734 0.78% 34,082 -11,348 -33% 6,498 1.47% 368 1.62% 437 69 15.8%
Delaware 973,764 145,612 14.95% 8,324 0.85% 12,473 -4,149 -33% 2,119 1.46% 27 0.32% 81 54 66.7%
Illinois 12,671,821 1,712,986 13.52% 62,878 0.50% 92,540 -29,662 -32% 28,381 1.66% 724 1.15% 950 226 23.8%
Maryland 6,045,680 566,082 9.36% 22,469 0.37% 32,928 -10,459 -32% 10,974 1.94% 382 1.70% 413 31 7.5%
Connecticut 3,565,287 404,969 11.36% 10,961 0.31% 15,931 -4,970 -31% 8,790 2.17% 123 1.12% 256 133 52.0%
Washington 7,614,893 737,698 9.69% 59,703 0.78% 85,420 -25,717 -30% 8,798 1.19% 776 1.30% 1074 298 27.7%
California 39,512,223 4,960,710 12.55% 164,797 0.42% 230,023 -65,226 -28% 72,525 1.46% 2,913 1.77% 2859 -54 -1.9%
Rhode Island 1,059,361 181,079 17.09% 6,509 0.61% 8,977 -2,468 -27% 2,881 1.59% 27 0.41% 65 38 58.5%
Iowa 3,155,070 494,407 15.67% 33,055 1.05% 44,002 -10,947 -25% 7,069 1.43% 415 1.26% 256 -159 -62.1%
Wyoming 578,759 105,318 18.20% 11,015 1.90% 13,963 -2,948 -21% 1,243 1.18% 202 1.83% 138 -64 -46.4%
South Dakota 884,659 156,995 17.75% 9,175 1.04% 11,619 -2,444 -21% 2,267 1.44% 96 1.05% 71 -25 -35.2%
Massachusetts 6,949,503 861,480 12.40% 37,995 0.55% 48,015 -10,020 -21% 19,087 2.22% 341 0.90% 361 20 5.5%
New York 19,453,561 2,585,365 13.29% 110,706 0.57% 138,406 -27,700 -20% 56,692 2.19% 987 0.89% 1056 69 6.5%
Idaho 1,787,147 296,299 16.58% 27,845 1.56% 34,468 -6,623 -19% 3,646 1.23% 524 1.88% 585 61 10.4%
Alaska 731,545 142,118 19.43% 20,770 2.84% 25,061 -4,291 -17% 741 0.52% 149 0.72% 130 -19 -14.6%
Wisconsin 5,822,434 899,647 15.45% 64,590 1.11% 72,952 -8,362 -11% 9,542 1.06% 536 0.83% 380 -156 -41.1%
Nebraska 1,934,408 289,282 14.95% 17,732 0.92% 19,759 -2,027 -10% 3,001 1.04% 146 0.82% 80 -66 -82.5%
Pennsylvania 12,801,989 1,593,122 12.44% 114,915 0.90% 122,431 -7,516 -6% 31,897 2.00% 1,990 1.73% 1108 -882 -79.6%
Maine 1,344,212 107,772 8.02% 12,824 0.95% 13,399 -575 -4% 1,207 1.12% 132 1.03% 187 55 29.4%
Arizona 7,278,717 1,189,708 16.35% 70,058 0.96% 72,808 -2,750 -4% 21,409 1.80% 1,058 1.51% 1137 79 6.9%
Montana 1,068,778 180,452 16.88% 21,772 2.04% 22,518 -746 -3% 2,415 1.34% 336 1.54% 206 -130 -63.1%
North Dakota 762,062 151,840 19.92% 13,966 1.83% 14,125 -159 -1% 1,827 1.20% 151 1.08% 59 -92 -155.9%
Utah 3,205,958 560,604 17.49% 40,414 1.26% 40,780 -366 -1% 3,286 0.59% 292 0.72% 285 -7 -2.5%
Hawaii 1,415,872 79,851 5.64% 13,073 0.92% 13,073 0 0% 801 1.00% 187 1.43% 187 0 0.0%
Vermont 623,989 42,313 6.78% 6,449 1.03% 5,197 1,252 24% 384 0.91% 49 0.76% 40 -9 -22.5%
New Hampshire 1,359,711 139,324 10.25% 15,116 1.11% 12,050 3,066 25% 1,597 1.15% 100 0.66% 55 -45 -81.8%
New Mexico 2,096,829 282,742 13.48% 23,799 1.13% 18,425 5,374 29% 4,518 1.60% 244 1.03% 260 16 6.2%
Minnesota 5,639,632 815,008 14.45% 79,362 1.41% 59,372 19,990 34% 8,952 1.10% 544 0.69% 336 -208 -61.9%
Michigan 9,986,857 1,309,655 13.11% 120,965 1.21% 88,456 32,509 37% 23,975 1.83% 1,273 1.05% 767 -506 -66.0%
Colorado 5,758,736 760,543 13.21% 71,988 1.25% 51,173 20,815 41% 8,407 1.11% 674 0.94% 400 -274 -68.5%
November 12, 2021
Steady as we go. Aie, captain steady we go.

So goes SARS-CoV-2 infections in Utah.

The average daily count for the last 3 weeks is steady at around 1,550 cases per day. It feels like Covid-19 is on autopilot and still finding good rides.

We are approaching the level where 1 in every 5 Utahn's has been infected.

The death rate (one of the best in America) is steady at 0.59%, meaning among those infected about 1 in every 170 infected by SARS-CoV-2 dies.

While most of the United States fell dramatically between September and October, Utah did not. The low was 1280 cases the week ending October 15 and the high was 1572 cases the week of September 17.

We are approaching the level where 1 in every 5 Utahn's has been infected.

The death rate (one of the best in America) is steady at 0.59%, meaning among those infected about 1 in every 170 infected by SARS-CoV-2 dies.

Cases in Utah's public schools total 19,773. Up from 17,791 two weeks ago. That's about 1,000 per week, which is down a bit from the prior rate.

November 19, 2021
Here we go again! Parts of Europe looking bad. Some parts of the U.S. appear to be going into the fourth wave of Covid-19, while Utah has not finished the third wave.

We hit a new peak for our third wave this past week with 11,422 new Covid-19 cases for a daily average of 1632. Ok, that is just over 500 more cases than the prior week, but it is a new peak for our third wave.

As the air is again COLD and more people are staying indoors, we are suffering more cases. Apparently, an 85% vaccination rate is required to really drop the spread. Utah is just under 60% when considering only those five years and older.

The count of cases associated with our public schools is 22,083 up from 19,773 which includes a person in my own neighborhood.

With Thanksgiving coming up I think we need to expect a greater number of infections over the next few weeks, but nothing like we saw a year ago when only people in the vaccine trials were vaccinated.

If you are not vaccinated, please offer a scientifically valid reason why not. I was quite young when the polio vaccine was first available. I remember going to the drive-in movie to get a sugar cube with the vaccine in it. The line was long, but most people got in line for the vaccine.

November 26, 2021
So the numbers for this week are down, but I believe it is all due to delayed reporting due to the Thanksgiving holiday.

The new infection count fell from 11,422 to 9,201. The number of deaths fell from 81 to 59.

The new infection count fell from 11,422 to 9,201. The number of deaths fell from 81 to 59.

When we get next week's data I think we will see compensation for the missing data this week.